Are you due a refund from the OPG?
If your Lasting or Enduring Power of Attorney was made in England or Wales and was registered between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2017 you may be entitled to a partial refund on the application fee. Any refunds must be claimed by 31 January 2021.
The Ministry of Justice which sets the fees for the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) reduced the application fee for registering both Lasting and Enduring Powers of Attorney in 2017. A refund scheme has been set up for those who may have been charged more than was necessary as the registration system began more efficient. It is estimated that refunds are to be issued amounting to in the region of £89 million.
Either the Donor (the person making the Power or Attorney) or the Attorney (the person appointed) can apply but the refund will be payable to the Donor. Replacement Attorneys can only apply once they have been formally appointed.
The amount of the refund varies depending on when the registration fees were paid and whether you paid a full or reduced fee. You may also be entitled to interest.
You can apply online direct to the OPG using the following link:-
Claims can take up to 12 weeks to be processed and, if approved, will be paid direct to the Donor's bank account. You can appeal a decision if your claim is rejected.
If the Donor has since died, the Executor or Administrator can make a application to the OPG by email or post but additional information and documentation will be required.