During November, Gabbs Solicitors in Leominster will write basic Wills, without charging our normal fee. To raise as much money as possible for Will Aid, we hope that clients will make a donation to the Will Aid charities. The suggested donation level is £95 for a single basic Will and £150 for a pair of “mirror” Wills.
Make an appointment and you will gain peace of mind from knowing that you have protected your loved ones as well as giving money to help thousands of people in need to gain the skills, tools and support they need to improve their lives.
Will Aid has raised over £15 million in donations since its launch more than 25 years ago. In addition, an estimated £95 million has been pledged as legacies by people making their Will through the scheme. The campaign has enabled more than 275,000 to write a proper Will with a professional solicitor.
Phone us (01568) 616333 or call in and make an appointment with either Nansi Webb or Helen Kingdon.
All money raised supports the work of ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF (Scotland) and Trocaire (Northern Ireland).